About NPA
The Notary Public Administrators Section was founded in 1998, based on the simple wish to formalize and grow the professional support and collegiality that was then flourishing among state notary public administrators.
The NPA Section enjoys a diverse membership that includes not only notary public administrators, but commissioning authorities, professional notary associations and other governmental and private industry entities with an interest in the office of notary public.
Some of the Notary Public Administrators Section's objectives, then and now, include
• Gathering, exchanging and disseminating facts, information, and ideas relating to notaries public, the administration of commissioning/licensing programs, the regulation of notaries public, and authentication programs.
• Increasing knowledge of notary law among NPA members and within the general public.
Meetings of the NPA Section are held once each calendar year in conjunction with the NASS annual summer conference.

President: Mike Smith
Georgia Superior Court Clerks' Cooperative Authority
Email: mike.smith@GSCCCA.org
Vice President: Cathy Beaudoin
Office of the Maine Secretary of State
Email: cathy.beaudoin@maine.gov
Secretary: Maureen Ewing
Office of the Rhode Island Secretary of State
Email: mewing@sos.ri.gov
Treasurer: Lori Hamm
Office of the Montana Secretary of State
Email: lori.hamm@mt.gov
Eastern Regional Representative: Mickie Troubetaris
Office of the Delaware Secretary of State
Southern Regional Representative: Ozie Stallworth
Office of the North Carolina Secretary of State
Email: ostallworth@sosnc.com
Mid-Western Regional Representative: Beth Herzog
Office of the North Dakota Secretary of State
Email: bherzog@nd.gov
Western Regional Representative: Monique Bourque
Office of the Oregon Secretary of State